Enabling User filtering for Single user picker

Karthik Mohan March 27, 2018

I am not able to configure user filtering for singel user picker filed. Once after i created the user picker i tried to configure the user filtering to group of 3 user's. but i see this error message.


"User filtering is disabled for this user picker. All active users in the system will be returned from the typeahead control."





But i have one single user picker in the same screen associated with another group which woks fine.


2 answers

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Gabriel Viger
July 7, 2020



How do I enable this feature on my Jira Cloud instance?

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
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March 27, 2018



did you tried to enable it ? You should be able to filter this user picker field based on specific group or project role.

If you click on checkbox you will be able to setup your filter on this field


Hope this helps,


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