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Email comms for Jira Automation: Move ticket to other project

Franziska Schröpfer
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November 23, 2023

Hey all, 

We are currently setting up a proper Portal which is supposed to connect forms for different teams within the company. We have the case that a ticket would be moved to another project wich is possible with the automation of cloning tickets and auto-solving the 'old' one. I am wondering now, if users will be flooded with emails to be informed that Ticket A is created, Ticket A is cloned and therefore Ticket B is created and Ticket A is resolved. 

How are you solving this issue? Or is this maybe not even an issue? 

Looking forward to your responses :) 



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Walter Buggenhout
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November 25, 2023

Hi @Franziska Schröpfer and welcome to the Community!

Every project has its own settings when it comes to notifications. In Jira Service Management, notification emails to customers are sent by the configuration you can find in project settings > customer notifications.

As you can see in the screenshot, you can enable / restrict the events that send out notifications to reach the desired level of information over spamminess:

2023-11-25 18_31_01-Engineering Support - Customer notifications - Service project - Jira.png

Apart from that, JSM (and other Jira products) have a separate system to send emails to your internal users (people with a paid license to use the products). Yet again, there is a long list of notification events in the notification scheme that you can - again - adjust to the appropriate levels.

On a side note: think twice (or maybe even more times) before starting to move tickets around between projects. Keep in mind that the original ticket is the one that was created by your customer and ideally you keep that in place as the single point of contact where you exchange information with your customer.

Nothing wrong with creating linked tickets in other projects, but rather than closing the original ticket immediately and hoping that your customer will suddenly speak with you on a new ticket in another place, rather sync workflow status and comments across using automation and close the original ticket at the end of the cycle, when the original request is entirely resolved.

Hope this helps!

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