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Edit/Update a custom field when deleting issue links

Bharat Kumar Bondalapati July 24, 2024

Dear community,

I have rather strange or probably easy question.

Here is the case:
I have a ticket (A) and there are issues linked to this ticket which I am not bothered about.

I now have a custom field in ticket (A). 

My question here is when we unlink or remove all the linked tickets from ticket (A), how can we create an automation rule using ''Issue Link Deleted'' trigger to update/edit the custom field with "No Linked Issues".

I have tried going through the instructions where it clearly describes about the source and destination issues and we can use {{issue}} and {{destinationIssue}}.

Could anyone let me know the rule or if anyone has a resolution for this?

3 answers

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John Funk
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July 24, 2024

Hi Bharat,

Can you share the rule that you have so far?

I am thinking create the rule with an Issue Link Deleted trigger as you mentioned. 

The follow that up immediately with a Condition to see if there are any Linked issues. 

Then update the issue. 

See the example below.


Bharat Kumar Bondalapati July 24, 2024

Hello @John Funk ,

I do have similar rule running (screenshot attached).

Basically here, there are two types of linked issues
1. Issue (A) causes issue (B)
2. Issue (A) caused by issue (B).


So, if I link an issue where Issue(A) causes Issue(B), the rules works perfectly as expected and edits the custom field in Issue(A).

The issue is when I link an issue where Issue(A) is caused by Issue(B), rule says No Action Performed. If I tweak the automation, the rule runs successfully but it edits Issue(C) that is linked with Issue(B). I only want Issue(A) to be edited.


I am hereby attaching screenshots of the rule and the log.




Here is the log: 8581 is the issue to be edited. (Rule Passed)



Here is the log: 8581 is the issue to be detected but the rule went to 2345 which is not the case. (No Actions Performed)unlink4.png


Here is the log: Strange thing is the rule passed but it went on to edit 1927 that is linked to 2345 which in turn is linked to 8581. So here, 8581 should be editedunlink5.png 

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John Funk
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July 26, 2024

Probably best to get Atlassian support involved at this point.

0 votes
Bharat Kumar Bondalapati July 24, 2024

@Joseph Chung Yin @John Funk 

I actually want to make sure the automation works on destination issue (SD-8581) when linked issues are deleted.



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Joseph Chung Yin
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July 24, 2024

@Bharat Kumar Bondalapati -

I agreed with what @John Funk suggested.  I would just keep the rule simple without the branch "If" setup.  Can you explain your reasoning of having the if branches setup if you just want to update (edit) the source issue?

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Bharat Kumar Bondalapati July 24, 2024

@Joseph Chung Yin 

The following as suggested by @John Funk works fine when Issue(A) is the source.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 214544.png


In some case, the linked issues make Issue(B) as the source and this rule fails. I need to have a rule where Issue(A) irrespective of being a source or destination gets edited whenever linked issues are deleted.

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