The setup
We have an object schema in Assets.
We need both licensed and unlicensed, technical and non-technical, users to be able to create new objects and update their attribute values.
To achieve this we have built a form with all the Assets Fields we need.
This works very well for creating new objects.
The problem
... But when updating attribute values on objects the business would like the fields for all the attributes to be auto-populated when they select the object to update in the first field.
As far as I can find this cannot be done. Not with any of the built in features at least.
The Forms feature can't do it.
The Assets fields might have been able to do it, but I can't reference smart values before the request form is submitted.
I thought about using Data Connections, but you can't have smart values or variables in those.
The question
Does any of you guys know of a 3rd party app that will enable this functionality?
Or even better, has any of you successfully set something like this up without any 3rd party app?
The comments
All objects from this schema is presented on individual Confluence pages that everyone has access to, so my suggested fix for this was to have the Confluence page open on one screen and the JSM form on the other, since every desk at our offices has two monitors, but for some reason auto-populating the fields is the desired solution.