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Defect ticket came in with open status but resolution set to done

Daniel Martinez
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April 14, 2023

I received a defect ticket today that was in open status as expected but the resolution was showing as 'done'. There is nothing in our automation that would do this (indeed the logs show no activity). 
Ticket was received at 2:13 showed 'done'. Set to blocked at 2:14. 

Any thoughts on what else could trigger that resolution?


Screenshot 2023-04-14 at 2.38.58 PM.png

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Walter Buggenhout
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April 15, 2023

Hi @Daniel Martinez,

Check the options mentioned by @Mikael Sandberg if your ticket has always remained inside the same project. If that does not explain what happened, verify if the ticket wasn't moved from another project where it already had a resolution set.

You should be able to validate all steps the ticket went through on the history tab on the issue. If there is no sign of the resolution being set there, that means it was already filled out when the ticket was created somehow.

Hope this helps! 

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Mikael Sandberg
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April 14, 2023

Hi @Daniel Martinez,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

Check your workflow to see it the resolution is either set when moving to the current status, or if you are allowing issues to move between any status, make sure that the resolution is cleared if you for example move from Done to Open. 

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