Darshan Hiranandani Can I Allow Users to Enter Amounts for Multiple Agencies in the Customer Portal?

Darshan Hiranandani January 6, 2025

Hello everyone,
I'm Darshan Hiranandani, I have a customer portal request where I need to allow users to enter an amount for each selected agency. Currently, users can only select one agency from a drop-down and enter one amount. I want to update this to allow users to select multiple agencies and enter an amount for each one.
I'm able to change the drop-down to a multi-select, but I'm unsure how to allow users to enter a unique amount for each selected agency.
Additionally, I also need to know how to show these fields side by side in the portal request form.
I’d appreciate any guidance or solutions that don’t require purchasing anything from the marketplace.
Thank you!


Darshan Hiranandani

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John Funk
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January 6, 2025

Hi Darshan,

Are these free form amounts? Or could they be selected from a drop down. In other words would values be like 50, 100,150, 200, etc.? Or could they be 53, 67, 42, etc.

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