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Cut Off SLA

Катаев Артем September 22, 2022

Hello, dear colleagues. Please tell me how to make a complex SLA? The problem is that if the application is received after 12:00, the SLA is counted from the next day.


Thanks for answers!

2 answers

1 vote
Rilwan Ahmed
Community Leader
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September 22, 2022

Hi @Катаев Артем ,

Create a calendar with your business days and work hours. example: 09:00 --18:00 EDT Mon-Friday and add this calendar to the required SLAs. 

i.e . When a user creates a ticket past 18:00 EDT, the SLA will start only after next working day 09:00 AM. 

Go  to https://<baseURL><projectKEY>/settings/sla/new

Near the "Add SLA" tab, click on calendar icon and create a new one. Once created, select it in your SLA


0 votes
Dave Mathijs
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September 22, 2022

Hi @Катаев Артем , SLA is always counted within the business hours defined by the associated calendar.

Fore more info, see: Create service level agreements (SLAs) to manage goals

Катаев Артем September 22, 2022

Maybe have JQL for this solution?

Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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September 22, 2022

No, you need a 24/7 calendar if the SLA always starts immediately after creation of the ticket.

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