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Customer Records: How to make corrections

Dan Rushing February 14, 2023

We have Service Desks we support and there are times when a customer record is created with a incorrect email address. There are times we try and communicate with a customer at the bad email address. When we find out the email is no good, my team of admins are asked to update the customer record with the correct email address. 

My question: How do you work through a bad email address on a customer record? Update to the correct email? Leave the bad one and create a good one? Something else?  

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Suzi Firth
Rising Star
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February 14, 2023

Hi Dan,

In Cloud, I can't see any where in the Assignee or Admin side where it's possible to update the email on customer record. You can only update the display name.

To rectify this, I would invite the correct email address, change the ticket reporter to the new account and then disable the old one.

I can't see anything in the Atlassian Portal to suggest this is a improvement they are working on. Might be a good idea to log as feedback/improvement suggestion to Atlassian so this is possible.



Dan Rushing February 15, 2023

Hi Suzi, thank you for the response. 

We are on Server, not Cloud. We CAN update the customer record, my question is more how do you deal with a bad email address on a Service Desk? What I find is when we update the email on the customer record, it changes it on the issues that customer record has and there is not a great way to see the history of what email address the message was sent to. 

Also, was there something I failed to select when creating this post that indicates we are on Cloud? 

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Suzi Firth
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 15, 2023

Hi Dan,

Sorry, that's my bad. The Jira Service Management group shows tags for Cloud and Server together. I've only just noticed on the right hand side that you've added additional tags for Server. Every now and then I reply to a ticket where user has meant Server instead of Cloud. 

I don't know anything about the Server instance unfortunately so hopefully someone else is able to assist.


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