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Customer Portal Question

Tina Thomas October 3, 2022

What would be the best process on how to roll out the customer portal to our customer? Is it possible to send an email with the url for the all customer? We are looking for the most effective way to do this.

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Frederic Chartrand
Rising Star
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October 3, 2022

Hi Tina,

I think it depends of the type of customers.

If they are external customers, an email could be a good way or a post on the website.

If they are internal, that's different.

If a portal already exist and you replace it :

I did a roll-out of a new portal a couple of months ago to replace two old portals. And we didn't use email as the security team didn't like it a lot and many people just don't read emails.

We added a note on both portals informing users that the new portal would be live at the launch date. We also posted the information on the company Intranet. And on launch day, we changed the URL of the links directing to old portals. We also added a landing page on both old portals (for people who added the old URL to their bookmarks) instructing people to change their URL for the new one.

If it's a brand new, first-time portal I would still use the Intranet more than an email. Maybe also inform the leaders/managers so they can relay the information to their team.

Hope it helps you a little.

Have a nice day

Frederic Chartrand

FMX Solutions - Gold Solution Partner

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