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Custom Field can't be removed from Raise a Request and Issue interface

Shpendi Rakipi February 21, 2020

Hi all,

As I am new to JSD and currently working with a demo version, I have a question regarding custom fields.
I created a new custom fields called labels, to integrate into the raise a request page. The label was available from Raise a Request page, to add values from the customer to better identify the type of the issue. I didn't give it any default value but I remember as I was playing with it I added two or three values while raising a request for an IT problem.
I tried to remove it from request types, not to be shown in the interface but it is preventing me with the following message: Jira Service Desk created this field. You can't remove it. So, the only think I can do is to hide it.

Before that, I deleted the label custom field from Fields\Custom Fields and in Screens (Default Screen and Resolve Issue Screen), label is not showing in Field tab but nevertheless it is showing in Raise a Request and Issue interface under description. 


Looking forward to your reply.

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Jack Brickey
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February 21, 2020

I suspect what you’re running into is the fact that Jira service desk by the fault has a system field, called labels so you should avoid creating one with the same name. It is likely that you’re getting an error because you’re trying to remove the system field. Now, regardless you should be able to remove the field from the form itself - project settings > request types > edit fields and use the remove link to remove labels. 

Shpendi Rakipi February 21, 2020

Dear jack,

In the demo version there is no edit fields in request type but only to drag and drop to the container to the right. What is left for me to do is to only hide it.
Why did JSD let me create a Custom Field with the name Label since it was a system name? I reviewed the entire list and there was no other Label present.

Jack Brickey
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February 21, 2020

There isn’t a demo version only a trial period. The software is the same. Now I am wondering if you are using a Next-gen Service desk. You should be able to drag and drop as you mentioned. As to why the SW allows you to create a similarly named field I cannot say definitively as I am just a user like yourself. 

Shpendi Rakipi February 21, 2020

I'm using a next-gen project, Demo Service Desk Demo Project

Shpendi Rakipi February 21, 2020

I try to drag and drop but the system does not allow me.

Jack Brickey
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February 21, 2020

I have not attempted this but would assume it could be removed from the screen. I can attempt later and see. Can you share a screenshot?

Mike Bowen
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February 21, 2020

If you called the custom field label then that is different to the default field titled labels. 

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Jack Brickey
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February 21, 2020

Yes exactly but still should avoid.

i have done a quick test in a NG service desk. As you can see I can hide Labels.


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Jack Brickey
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February 21, 2020

@Shpendi Rakipi , I just reread your not on using a “demo project” I misread this previously. I don’t know anything about a demo project as it isn’t available on my instance. It could be that this project configuration is preventing such a move. Try creating your own project.

Mike Bowen
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February 21, 2020

I tried it in Classic Jira Service Desk under Requests and can hide Labels by moving from Issue View to Hidden from Issue View.

Classic Jira Service Des.jpg

Shpendi Rakipi February 21, 2020

Capture.PNGThis is what I get

Shpendi Rakipi February 21, 2020

No Label under Custom fields as I previously deleted it. 

Shpendi Rakipi February 21, 2020


Jack Brickey
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February 21, 2020

so you definitely cannot drag a system field to the right and remove (delete) it. You should be able to drag to the bottom under "hide fields below".

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Mike Bowen
Rising Star
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February 21, 2020

Hi @Shpendi Rakipi 

Labels is a default field in Jira Projects and Jira Service Desk. It appears where you have mentioned. 

You can edit a request type in Project Settings and hide it, which is useful because it will automatically assign a label to a request type thus saving your agents adding a label to a request when it arrives in the queue. 

Do you want the labels to appear or not? 



Shpendi Rakipi February 21, 2020

Hi Mike,

I do not want the Labels to appear in neither Raise a Request nor issue interface. Perhaps because JSD is in demo version I can only hide it, can't drag it back to the left panel. 

Shpendi Rakipi February 21, 2020

Labels is removed from Custom Fields but the system is preventing me to remove it from the interface.

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