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Custom Field Auto population: Epic to Issue

Tshepiso Khoarane
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September 8, 2022


I am trying to auto populate information from an epic in to the related tickets. Please note that the field I am trying to replicate is a custom field.


There is a finance category in the epic and I want the selected item to appear within the ticket without having to go into each individual ticket to update it with that same information

Please help

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Aleksandra Bosacka _Deviniti_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
October 3, 2022


It’s Aleksandra from Deviniti and after reading your post I was wondering whether you would find it useful to automatically populate Epics with related tasks from predefined templates?

With the help of our app, Issue Templates for Jira, you could create a repository of re-usable templates and then populate any information entered by the user in the parent Epic to its child issues. It can be accomplished with the Smart defaults feature we've recently published which allows you to dynamically evaluate template fields, e.g. set due date to now + 5d (business days) or simply say to copy the value from parent.

And first, you could create an epic template with all child issues, and then define the parent expression in Smart defaults.

Please let me know if it sounds interesting and in case of any questions, feel free to reply below. I will be happy to share more guidance :)


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