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Creating SLA for individual request forms in JSM

Swaroop Kumar December 13, 2022

Hi - I'm trying to create SLA's for various request types that I created on Help Center, but I couldn't get a appropriate documentation. Please help!

For example, I would like to setup 48 hours SLA for request type "New Laptop Request". Not sure how to achieve this.

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Rilwan Ahmed
Community Leader
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December 13, 2022

Hi @Swaroop Kumar ,

To run SLA based on request types, you need to modify the SLA. i.e. JSM project settings --> SLA --> Click Edit against required SLA and add the required JQLS in  "Issues to display"  section.

You can add JQL as "Request Type" = "Fix an account problem (ITSM)"
Please note: here ITSM is my project and Fix an account problem is my request type.

Also modify Time Goal to 48 hours and click Save


Swaroop Kumar December 14, 2022

Hi @Rilwan Ahmed - Thanks for your help!. I was able to add JQL as "Customer Request Type" = "Request form"

This solved the issue. Thank you!


I have a separate question though, not sure if I can post here or start a new thread? I'm trying to configure the fields on the Help Center for the end-users to see additional options after they submit a request. For example, after a request is submitted I would like them to see the name of the person assigned on the ticket. 

Rilwan Ahmed
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 15, 2022

Hi @Swaroop Kumar ,

Glad it solved your issue.For another question, please create a new post. 

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