I would like to use the API to create a page in Confluence for automating Jira Service Management.
The API endpoint I am using is the Confluence Cloud API
I want to write the data in ADF (Atlassian Document Format) format by setting "representation": "atlas_doc_format".
When I set the following custom data,the Confluence page was created successfully, but the content of the page was blank and the values were not reflected.
{ "space": { "key": "<space-key>" }, "status": "current", "title": "test", "type": "page", "body": { "representation": "atlas_doc_format", "value": { "version": 1, "type": "doc", "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Hello " }, { "type": "text", "text": "world", "marks": [ { "type": "strong" } ] } ] } ] } } }
Could you please advise on how to properly format the custom data for this purpose?