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Count link issue in clone ticket

Darshil Trivedi February 8, 2024

Dear All looking for automation


Count link issue in clone ticket and set this to my manager.


Can anyone have this automation ?




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Trudy Claspill
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February 8, 2024

Hello @Darshil Trivedi 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Can you provide more information about your scenario?

Can you provide a screen image of an issue for which you want to produce this report, and point out the linked issues that should be counted?

Darshil Trivedi February 9, 2024



"While I don't have a screenshot available, I can offer an example to illustrate the situation. Let's consider a scenario where we have two clone tickets: Clone-ABC-1001 and Clone-ABC-1021. In Clone-ABC-1001, there are 50 linked tickets, whereas Clone-ABC-1021 has 30 linked tickets.

Now, you're looking for a solution to automate the generation of a report detailing the number of linked tickets in each clone ticket and then send that report to you. Is there a specific format or method you prefer for receiving such reports?"



Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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February 9, 2024

If you do a search for issues that you know have links and then change the view to List...

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 9.58.42 AM.png can then add the Linked Issues column to show all the linked issues for each issue as part of the output.

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 9.57.40 AM.png

You can then Export that information.


That won't automatically count how many linked issues there are.

If you need to have the count also automatically provided, then you could use an Automation Rule to get that information and store it in another custom field in each issue. Then you could include that custom field in the Columns of the search result output.

You could then save the search and set up a Subscription to distribute the report on a schedule to members of specified user groups.

If the recipients are not all identified in user groups, then each recipient would need to set up their own subscription to the saved filter.

Alternately, you could use an Automation Rule to retrieve the information and send it in an email to the designated recipients.


Have you worked with Automation Rules before? Automation Rules can be created by Jira Administrators. Permission to create Automation Rules can be granted to other users by Jira Administrators. If you are unsure if you have that permission, contact your Jira Administrators to find out.

Darshil Trivedi February 12, 2024

HI @Trudy Claspill 


Can you please guide me more for automation I have Admin access ?



Darshil Trivedi 


Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 14, 2024

Hello @Darshil Trivedi 

Have you reviewed the documentation for Automation Rules and tried creating a rule for this?

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