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Copy comment if "reply to customer"

Haseeb Khan June 7, 2024

I'm trying to copy a comment to a linked issue, but only if that comment is of the type "Reply to customer" as one project is linked to them and the other is not. In automation, how do I specify the condition of comment type? Bonus points if I can sync all comments of same type between tickets

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Fernando Eugênio da Silva
Community Leader
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June 7, 2024

@Haseeb Khan 

You can use an advance compare condition and do the following:


Using this, Jira will validate if the comment is public (reply to customer) before follow the other automation steps.

Hope this helps you.


Haseeb Khan June 25, 2024

Thanks @Fernando Eugênio da Silva , this helps. But when I try to add a comment after this, I only see the option to add a comment to the same issue. I am trying to copy the triggering comment to a linked issue as customer reply

Fernando Eugênio da Silva
Community Leader
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June 25, 2024

@Haseeb Khan 

You need to add a branch > for related issues > Action to Add a comment and use the smartvalues: {{triggerIssue.comment.last.body}}


Have you tried this?

Haseeb Khan June 25, 2024

Awesome! it's working as intended. One other issue. This comment is showing up as from Jira automation. Where can I change that from the person who made this comment. Or would I have to use smart values and add the name into the comment itself?

Fernando Eugênio da Silva
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 25, 2024

@Haseeb Khan 

The actor of the rule is always the Automation user. Is recommended keep this way because he is a System user who has permission around your environment.

I recommend you use this in the comment action:

{{initiator.displayName}} > To mention the user who add the comment.

The user displayed as 'autor' of the comment will be always the automation user, but passing this smartvalue you will add the name of the comment author in your comment content as well.

Haseeb Khan June 27, 2024

Yep. Already implemented. Thanks!


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