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Cherwell to JSM question.

Shawn Wallace September 12, 2023

Hello. Has anyone ever migrated Cherwell to JSM? Was there a soecific tool that was used?

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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September 12, 2023

Hi @Shawn Wallace , I don't know of any specific tool for the specific migration. My advice would be to use CSV import, assuming that you can create a reasonable export from Cherwell. With that said, there are partner solutions that will assist with such a migration e.g. Help-desk-migration . The need for such assistance really comes down to how complicated your migration is. In a number of instances, I didn't migrate over much of the historical data in favor of simply starting fresh. I maintained the previous tool with a single user such that we could reference historical data as required.

disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the aforementioned partner, and have not used it for any specific migration. I'm just sharing one possible partner solution.

Shawn Wallace September 12, 2023

@Jack Brickey Thank you!

William Rentfrow November 9, 2023

I'm a couple months late to this and I do not want to turn the community into a sales forum, so I will just say this - we are partner and have worked with Cherwell extensively.  

Now that we're reselling JSM we have developed our own internal tools for migrating Cherwell data > JSM.  If you'd like to talk about this more please message me.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 10, 2023

Hi @William Rentfrow , assuming you are a partner please be sure to identify yourself as a "marketplace partner" using appropriate lozenges and company name associated with your username. You can read more in the community guidelines here.

William Rentfrow November 10, 2023

@Jack Brickey Thanks - we do not yet have stuff in the marketplace.  I've read through the rules and I was trying to carefully answer the question.

I like this community - I've been working Atlassian products for a year and having come from other products and communities this one is very active and positive.

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