Chat Integration in Knowledge Base

Elizabeth Petty
January 27, 2023


I am trying to get the Chat feature on the Knowledge Base page for our clients so that they can chat directly with us from that page.  I am NOT trying to create or update Jira tickets with this chat, I just want the Chat to be on the KB page so that in my SLack, I can communicate with the end user.

So far, I am only able to get the ticket connection, but no Chat feature on the KB page itself.


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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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January 30, 2023

@Elizabeth Petty Can you share a screenshot of the issue?  Since the KB page is in Confluence I am assuming that this will not work as it is a Jira function and I believe as you stated it is integrated into the issue not throughout the whole portal. 

Elizabeth Petty
January 31, 2023

@Brant Schroeder, The KB Page I am referring to is the one that links outside of Confluence.

If an issue is reported from this page, it is linked to the "triage" channel we created in Slack, but I am looking for there to be a chat that allows back-and-forth communication with the end user from this page, as well.

JSM KB_client facing.png Thanks for your reply and assistance here!


Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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January 31, 2023

@Elizabeth Petty You would have to use a third-party app from the Atlassian marketplace for that functionality at this time.  

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