Changing the "Issue Type" for email requests

Mark Harding June 2, 2021

Currently, when a customer emails a request to the Service Desk email account, it is created and Issue Type of "Service Request",.. how do I change this so the Issue Type is created as "Incident"?

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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June 2, 2021

So to change the Issuetype means you need to break the association with the Request Type. Unfortunately you cannot edit the RT to change the IT. You will need to create a new RT and choose Incident for the IT then associate the RT to the email channel.

Mark Harding June 2, 2021



I can create a new RT under "Incidents" and call it "Email", as this this is free format, specify the fields in the form etc,.. associating the new RT to the email channel is what is where I'm stumped.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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June 2, 2021

Project settings > email requests then click on ellipses in upper right

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Mark Harding June 2, 2021

I can probably fudge it with an Automation Rule and can of course change manually! I guess I'm being greedy as only want to use the email feature [currently] for customers to raise Incidents, although would prefer them to use Portal.

Jack Brickey
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June 2, 2021

Not following this last statement.

Mark Harding June 2, 2021

That has sorted though, thanks.


I had seen that previously but hadn't quite made the association/connection before :)

Fanny Vachet
July 12, 2023

Hi @Jack Brickey ,


we are looking at doing the same. How did you manage to set the right issue type from receiving the email?



Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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July 13, 2023

Hi @Fanny Vachet , try the following...

  1. project settings 
  2. email requests
  3. Click on ellipses in upper right
  4. Select configure email requests
  5. select the desired Request type associated with the issue type you are interested in
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Fanny Vachet
July 13, 2023


were you able to set multiple type or just one ?

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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July 14, 2023

With cloud you can have two email handlers if you use the one provided by Atlassian and add your own custom email. Each of these email handlers can be associated to a different Request type.

Fanny Vachet
July 16, 2023

Thanks Jack,

we will probably need more than 2 but it's a good start.

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