Change Default 'Share with Group' to 'No one'

Craig Doran
September 24, 2018

The default in service desk for when a ticket is created seems to be "Share with (Group Name".  Is it possible to set this default to 'Share with No One'

4 answers

4 votes
Jehan Gonsalkorale
Atlassian Team
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February 24, 2021

Hi Craig, I believe this has since been fixed. 

You can now change the default value for whom the ticket is shared with from being the Organisation of the customer to "No one".  The easiest way to do that is to go to "Project settings"> "Customer permissions" and then click on the hyperlink that says "Change the Global settings". 

Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 10.54.43 am.png

Then, you can change the "should new requests automatically be shared with a customer's organization?" to "No, don't share . . .". This then changes the default value in the share with.

Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 10.52.41 am.png

Does this solve your problem? The final output is that it defaults to "No one".

Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 10.55.43 am.png




Tony Taylor-Moran
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May 18, 2021

I couldn't find this setting based on the above instructions. However, it was useful as I knew it must be there somewhere. It may have moved. 

I went to:

  1. Settings (cog in the top right)
  2. Under 'Jira Settings', go to 'Products'
  3. Under 'Jira Service Management', go to 'Configuration'
  4. Under 'Organisation Management' then 'Should new requests automatically be shared with a customer's organization?', select 'No...' (see below)


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Miriam Hopton
January 21, 2022

Thank you, Jehan! Your direction worked perfectly!! This is a great solution.

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Nate Dickinson
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September 28, 2022

Awesome Jehan, That's exactly what I was looking for. 

1 vote
ZC June 23, 2022

is it possible to prevent the customer from changing this setting while opening a ticket

Miriam Hopton
June 23, 2022

You can always remove someone from an Organization if they are in one or modify the ticket creation settings in the previous screenshot/comment above (made by Duncan Hann) ^^

ZC June 23, 2022

the customer should stay in the organization and we have set the default parameter to "automatically share... with organization", however the customer can still change it to "no one" manually while creating the ticket.

we need all tickets to be visible by all organization reporters.

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Evelin Duran
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June 8, 2020

Hello, about the option to share the ticket with other users, it turns out that by default when we are creating tickets, it is shared with a default user different from the creator, for example it is shared with client1, and when we delete that user (client1), we no longer allows creating tickets and shows error because it cannot find the user with whom it is shared by default. Could you please help me see where I should check to remove the default user. Thank you

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Jack Brickey
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September 24, 2018

@Craig Doran, what do you mean by share with group? Are you saying that a group of users are added to the watchers or participant fields or something else. There isn’t any default to do this so I suspect that maybe there is some configuration or automation set up in your project. But I may be missing you point here.

Craig Doran
September 24, 2018

Hi Jack

I have a group of customers all added to a GROUP.

When one customer creates a request at the bottom of the request ticket there is Share With option.  It is defaulted to Share with group but customer can use drop down list to Share With No One.  I find that customers in a group don't necessarily want to get everyone elses request tickets.  But unless each customer changes this default share with setting, they each get the ticket

Jack Brickey
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September 24, 2018

Ok so yes that is associated with the Participant field. Check to see if the field is set with a default as follows: project > project settings > request types and edit fields on one of the request types to see if share with is listed and defaulted.

Craig Doran
September 24, 2018

Hi Jack. Yes I had already looked there but the share field does not appear when you select Edit Fields against a request type

Jack Brickey
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September 25, 2018

Craig, thanks for hanging in there. I just did a bit of research into the docs and below is what I found. So in fact it appears you cannot change the default unless you were to have the customer in more than one Organization. I was thrown off a bit by the "group" term and am assuming you are using Organizations. When I saw group i was guessing you might have a custom drop down field but it seems that this is the standard Participation field. Please let me know if this is on the right track.

from this document...

Add participants in the portal

In the customer portal, agents and customers can add participants by selecting Share. Participants receive an email notifying them that they are participating in the 

If a customer is in an organization, they can also share the request when they raise it. By default, the request is shared with the customer's organization unless they select Private request.

If the customer is in more than one organization, the request is private by default.

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Michael Bourdette
February 13, 2020

Hi... I recently added in a number of customers into 2 separate organizations since their  'Share With Organization' field was not set to Private.  However, since adding them into a new organization, the recent organization I just created is now populated by default, not private.  Any suggestions?



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