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Can I use an Elements Connect field in a ProForma form?

Michael Melville
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August 23, 2021

We use Elements Connect to retrieve client details from our billing application's database and find this so convenient for our users when creating issues in JIRA Service Management that it's fairly core to the business process.

It's an Oracle DB connection as the application isn't web based and as such has no API available.

Elements Connect makes this very easy and we have a few of these fields on the create issue screens.

ProForma has so much extra capability we are seriously considering it and just can't see yet how to add an Elements Connect field into a ProForma form.


Any thoughts, hints, or advice?

Thanks in advance,



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Peter Preston
Rising Star
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August 23, 2021

Hi @Michael Melville and welcome to the Community 👋

ProForma doesn't currently support Elements Connect fields. I'm not able to give you a timeline on it, but it is on the roadmap. 

Nicolas Esteves August 24, 2021

Hi @Michael Melville

As previously explained, both apps are not yet compatible I'm afraid...

Hi @Peter Preston

I'm glad to know it's on your roadmap! Feel free to reach our support team if you need anything from Elements, as soon as you start working on that:

Have a nice day.

Kind regards,

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Jeff Pittman October 7, 2022

Has this made it into the Pro Forma yet?

Nicolas Esteves October 10, 2022

Hi @Jeff Pittman

Thank you for your interest in our app and this compatibility.

Unfortunately, Elements Connect is still not compatible with Pro Forma. We haven't heard from Atlassian on this issue...

Maybe @Peter Preston could share some information?

Thanks to both of you and have a nice day.

Kind regards,

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Peter Preston
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 11, 2022

@Jeff Pittman no news to share on this. 

Thanks for the tag @Nicolas Esteves 

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
November 3, 2022

@Peter Preston but is the feature planned ? I would love to build forms based on Elements Connect fields and other 3 party fields.

If this feature will never arrive we have to find a different plugin which is capable of doing this.




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