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Can I have email requests route to a different request type instead of "Email request"?

Charles Christiansen February 7, 2020

We have a next-gen project with 4 of our own request types, plus the built-in "Email request" type which is where all emailed requests go. I would prefer not to use the "Email request" type at all and instead have requests from the email channel route to one of the other request types. I can't see any way to do this in the settings though. Is it just not possible?

Barring that, I also thought I could maybe create an automation rule that says when an issue is created with request-channel-type = Email to then create an issue with the request type we want instead of "Email request". Unfortunately, this creates the request in both places and there doesn't seem to be any way in the automation builder to delete the request in the "Email request" queue. Can that be done?

If neither of these is an option, is there any way to get requests via email to go into a request type I've created?

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Thomas Deiler
Community Leader
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February 8, 2020

Dear @Charles Christiansen ,

Yes, you can. I just checked it out on my cloud instance.

  • create a custom request
  • add at least "summary" + "description"
  • add no other fields that are required
  • switch to email request
  • click 3 dots > configure email request type
  • select the new one

Let me know, when you need more help

So long


Charles Christiansen February 10, 2020

Thanks for the response, Thomas. When I switch to the Email request type, there is no 3 dot menu in the interface - on the other request types it's to the right of "Edit workflow" but there's nothing there for Email request. That's part of my confusion I think.

Screen Shot 2020-02-10 at 7.54.41 AM.png

Thomas Deiler
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 12, 2020

Dear @Charles Christiansen ,

eventually you do not have the right permission. It should look like this:

2020-02-12 17-38-33.jpgI am full site admin - so if you aren't ask another Admin to check.

So long


Charles Christiansen February 12, 2020

I am a full site admin as well. I've done some digging in the documentation and I think this may just be something that you can't do in a next-gen project but can in a classic project. I'm trying to decide whether or not its worth scrapping my current project and starting over with a classic project, but it's probably not just for this. I'll just work around it. Thank you for taking the time to help!

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