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Calendar for planned maintenances

GIACOMO CORADESCHI February 19, 2024

I would like to make a calendar of planned maintenances accessible to customers.

I have set up a calendar item and i am able to see there the Issues that i want.

I would like that to be externally accessible via the customer portal

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Mark Segall
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February 19, 2024

Hi @GIACOMO CORADESCHI and welcome to the community!

I have set up a calendar item

Are you referring to the Change Calendar or something else?  The change calendar is a backend function that cannot be made visible to the customer.  The only way to make a customer-accessible calendar would require a few steps and exposing your underlying Jira Data

If you are not concerned about Jira data exposure, it would require leveraging Confluence and opening up permissions:

  1. Create a Calendar page in Confluence and populate it with the relevant Jira issues
  2. Make a public link for the page:
  3. For the impacted project(s), update the permission scheme and for the Browse Projects permission, grant to Public

From here, you would need to decide how you want to share the public link with them (e.g. static link on the portal page, as a comment on an individual request, etc.)

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