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Best option for a new JSD team that needs HIPAA compliance?

Rob Horan
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 2, 2020

I am looking into HIPAA compliance for a team that would like to start using JSD.  They were interested in Cloud, but HIPAA compliance is not there.  Server is a possibility, but it's going the way of the dinosaur soon (3 years goes by FAST, ask any parent) and nobody wants to start their journey at a dead end.  Data Center is prohibitively expensive.  If one node started off at Server pricing then maybe... but it doesn't.  If there is no good solution then the team may find another solution.

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Daniel Ebers
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 7, 2020

Hi Rob,

first of all: I will not be able to provide a "good" answer or something that satisfies all aspects of your concerns - but rest assured, we are sitting in the same boat.

Well, HIPAA it is on a roadmap - in case you have not seen this page, here it is:

I am not sure if you can wait this long.

All the other concerns are very easy to understand but I don't have an idea either.


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