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Automatism copy message from ticket to other ticket linked with an action as trigger

Mauro Barros
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September 12, 2023

Hello to all of you.

I am trying an automation from a ticket (SD) to a linked ticket (DEV).
Already worked correctly, I leave the automation working.


But we want to go a little further and have more control over which messages should go through and which should not.
For this, we are going to use the "Tags" box.
If the box of the SD ticket contains the word "Message", the automation copies the last message to the linked DEV ticket.

No Wrk.png

But, this does not happen.

Unlike the first automation, the messages are copied to the same SD ticket or to DEV.
So, it copies the last message from the same SD or DEV ticket and not the message to the linked ticket, or another action that I could make it happen, is that it copies the same message from the linked ticket when changing the status in "Tags".
It happens from SD to SD and DEV to DEV, never from SD to DEV or DEV to SD (funny thing?).


I think it could be a bug for this automatism, because if we don't wait for the tag change as in the first screenshot, every message is copied to the linked ticket, it works without problem.

Has anyone tried this? Do you have any other idea?

Thank you very much.
I remain attentive to your comments.



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