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Kerri Simpson July 7, 2022

Hi Guys,

So our set up is that we have a Service Desk but we create linked tasks from the create task link.

Is it possible to automate the SD element to create linked tasks, (not sub tasks), to individual project boards please?


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Ste Wright
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January 13, 2023

Hi @Kerri Simpson 

Just in case you're still looking into how to do this - do you mean...

  • When a Ticket is created in the Service Desk...
  • Clone this Ticket into another Project as a Task



If yes, this is possible. For example, your rule might look like this:

  • Trigger: Issue Created
  • Action: Clone Issue
    • Project = <Target Project>
    • Issue Type = Task
    • Fields...
      • Linked Issues = <Link Type>, Trigger Issue
      • ...set other Fields, if these need to be customised


A few notes on this rule:

  • This rule can be a single Project rule, even though it has 2+ Projects in it. Place the rule on your JSM Project
  • I've not included a Condition - but you can if you need to (eg. check Issue Type of ticket).
  • You can also add more Actions if there's more than one Project to send a Task to
  • You can use either the Create Issue or Clone Issue action, depending on what information you wish to bring across


Let us know if this works for you!


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