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Automation to create an issue in another project

Alexandre Oliveira October 5, 2021

Hi, I have two next gen (team managed) projects.

Lets call them project A and project B.

I am trying from project A, to create an issue on project B when I move project A card to a certain status.

The problem is that the automation is taking the following error message:

"Could not find create meta data for project/typeId - 16550/13778"

Both project have the same permissions. Open to anyone in the organization. They also share the same issue types and fields. I have created both projects to do this test before implement in the production ones.

The rule I have created is this one:


Jira Rule 2021-10-05 201552.png



Thank you for any help!

3 answers

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Fabian Lim
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October 6, 2021

@Alexandre Oliveira

Make sure also that you set this rule in the global administration.  Especially if there are multiple projects in one rule.  Link:

Alexandre Oliveira October 6, 2021

Hi Fabian, I moved the rule to the global administration, but still facing the same error.

Thank you for your help! :-) 

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Kenyon Gibson
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October 5, 2021

Project boards on GitHub help you organize and prioritize your work. You can create project boards for specific feature work, comprehensive roadmaps, or even release checklists. With project boards, you have the flexibility to create customized workflows that suit your needs.



Alexandre Oliveira October 6, 2021

Hi Kenyon, I really need to do this on Jira.

Thank you for your help! :-) 

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Claudio Gonzalez
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October 5, 2021

Hi @Alexandre Oliveira ,

Why you use "For current Issue"?, if your trigger is only create a issue when transitioning to "In Progress" you don't need to use that.

Can you try

-When: issue transitioned

-then edit...

-and Re-fetch

-create a new

Additional, you need verified is the owner of the automation have permission/role over the project B.

Alexandre Oliveira October 6, 2021

Hi Claudio, I did the changes you suggested. I even change the rule actor to use my account, since I am an admin in both projects, but still the same error message.

Thank you for your help! :-) 

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