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Automation rule to populate issue fields based on request type?

Aaron Aldridge
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November 13, 2023

I'm trying to automate the process of filling in certain fields on a ticket. Ideally I'd like specific fields on an issue ticket to be populated automatically based on the request type chosen. Additionally, if that is automated then is it possible to also hide or not include those fields on the ticket itself since it will be automatically populated? 

End goal is to have a more concise ticket with fewer fields. So fields that are automatically populated do not appear on the ticket as they are already filled in based on request type. 

Can anyone walk me through how to create this rule? 


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Kris Dewachter
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November 13, 2023

Hi @Aaron Aldridge ,

I don't think you need an automation rule for that.

On each request form, you can add fields and make them hidden. You can also assign a default value to them.

Like this, the fields are filled, but not visible on the form in the portal.

Best regards,


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