Automation / cron question

Alesandro Senerchia April 22, 2024

Good day, 

for governance purpose, I need to create a tickets automatically for our access review process. 
In order to execute this task, I created an automation rule that should create this ticket, each 6 months but currently, the rule is created a ticket each week.

Here is the cron task (for more pression) for the rule.  How can I solve this issue?

  1. Run a schedule task
  2. Cron expression : 0 30 7 ? 4,10 2 *
    1. There is information in the basic schedule, would this affect the cron express? (run each 6 months, first day of the month...)
  3. Create a ticket and assign it.

How can I have the ticket created only in april and october, first working day of the week?

Thank you for your help.

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John Funk
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April 22, 2024

Hi Alesandro,

You can use this: 

0 0 5 1 4/6 ? *

It will run at 5 am on the first of the month, every 6 months, starting in April.

Alesandro Senerchia April 22, 2024

Thank you for your answer.  Will try it out and let you know the outcome.

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