Automation Failing: Cloning an issue to another board upon Assignment

May 8, 2024

Hi there,

let's see if anyone can help :)

I already read this thread and didn't help.

I'm trying to have a new issue created in another project upon assignment.

  • -Both projects are team-managed Business projects
  • -The other project is owned by the assignee

I already tried changing the target Issue Type (ideally "same as trigger issue" but also chose "task") without success.

Any ideas?


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John Funk
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May 8, 2024

Hi Marta,

Team-managed projects are totally independent of each other. So when you say same as trigger issue, it doesn't really know what that means in this case. 

So, you need to actually select a value for the Issue Type. If that doesn't work for some reason, then try to do a Create new issue action instead of Clone issue. 

May 8, 2024

Thank you so much, John! Sorry I forgot to attach the screenshots!

Screen Shot 2024-05-08 at 17.51.41.pngScreen Shot 2024-05-08 at 17.58.43.png

I got this type of error both before and after changing to a specific Issue

John Funk
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May 8, 2024

Can you share the details of the Clone issue into: step?

May 8, 2024

I've had these two options, as mentioned:


1) (I understand now why this would fail)

Screen Shot 2024-05-08 at 18.24.27.png

2) I don't understand why this would fail

Screen Shot 2024-05-08 at 18.25.15.png

May 10, 2024

Hi @John Funk,

Is that what you meant?

Thanks! :)

John Funk
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May 20, 2024

Yes. Did that work?

May 28, 2024

Hi there!

Nope, did you read my message with screenshots? :) Sorry if it wasn't clear.

Your suggestion (option 2) didn't work either.


John Funk
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May 30, 2024

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Try to do a Create Issue instead of a Clone. And then select all of the fields you want to copy over. 

June 3, 2024

Hi John,

Creating was never a problem, but I wanted the status to be transferred over to the first (source) board if changed on the second (target) board.

I've just tested the exact same parameters with Create and with Clone (disabling one or the other) and I don't see any differences. Both create a new issues in the target board, but the status never gets transferred.

Screen Shot 2024-06-03 at 14.15.52.png

Screen Shot 2024-06-03 at 14.13.35.png

Screen Shot 2024-06-03 at 14.12.50.png

Another question: in this case, for the assignee of the target issue, would it be the same to use "Copy from issue" than "Copy from trigger issue"?

Cheers :)

John Funk
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June 3, 2024

It would be trigger issue if you want it to be the same as the one that originally got assigned and caused the rule to fire. 

Like Marta likes this
June 3, 2024


OK so now I'm good with Clone and Create, as long as I choose an Issue type from the target board it's fine (rather than "same as the trigger issue").

I've tried adding to the automation that if the trigger issue has children, these children are to be cloned too. It's not happening. My guess is it's because of the "if assigned to: ", when they're not assigned.

Dunno how to state "regardless of whether they're assigned or not already" inside the branch. I've tried these two and slight variations:

Screen Shot 2024-06-03 at 17.21.34.png

Screen Shot 2024-06-03 at 17.36.58.png

Any help will be much appreciated!


PS: Error Log!!

Screen Shot 2024-06-03 at 17.39.30.png

Is it because I used "sub-task" in the target children issue? (I think I have to because they have to be children of "task")

John Funk
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June 4, 2024

What are you using for the parent field population in the last clone action? Can you share details? 

June 6, 2024

Hi John!

Sorry for the delay. It is cloning the Epic into the target board (as Task; it's my choice) but not the children.

Details of Parent, you asked:

Screen Shot 2024-06-06 at 11.25.46.png

Screen Shot 2024-06-06 at 11.26.18.png

John Funk
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June 6, 2024

Is the trigger issue - the one that was just assigned, to be the parent of the sub-task you are creating? And are they in the same project? If not, you can't do that. 

June 6, 2024



Trigger issue is in source Project A.

Clone is in target Project B.


So for the Branch, I've now removed all "trigger" mentions. Still doesn't work.

Screen Shot 2024-06-06 at 11.52.33.png

John Funk
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June 6, 2024

Nope, you can't have a sub-task in one project be the child of a parent in a separate project. They must be in the same project. 

June 6, 2024

no no, all the clones are in the same project :)


I thought my changes made that explicit 🤔

John Funk
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June 6, 2024

Sorry, missed the part about changing the trigger for the parent. So what doesn't work with the latest rule? Also, you can't use {{issue.duedate}} for the Due date because that is the same issue. If that should be the same as the one you are cloning from, you don't need to add that field. If it is set from something else, what is it? 

June 7, 2024

About the due date, I just didn't want it to be empty in the children issues. If the children issues don't have one, it's OK to inherit it from the parent issue (whether it's the original or this one, should be the same)

John Funk
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June 8, 2024

You should probably deal with the Due Date in a separate step then. Leave it out of the Clone process. Then add a Condition where the Due Date is empty. Then add an action for Edit Issue and just use the due date field. Then copy it from the parent. 


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