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Automation - AQL Missing

Dustin Alcock January 3, 2024

I have multiple automations using AQL but when I'm going to create a new automation, AQL is no longer available in branching. Only Advanced branching and Branch Rule /related issues. If I go into an existing AQL automation and delete that automation component, I can't add it back in either. Obviously I could clone an existing automation and repurpose it, but I'm concerned that AQL is being taken away?

Did I miss the removal memo? Bug?

2 answers

@Dustin Alcock  There are 2 reasons I can think of why you may not see the AQL option:

1. It is only if you set your Automation rule to be 'Global', that not within a single JSM project

2. In general Automation does not support nested branching and so if you are trying to use an AQL branch within an existing branch, the option will not show up

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Eugenio Onofre
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January 12, 2024

Hi @Dustin Alcock

AQL is not being taken away but the product is definitely under constant evolution. I would recommend checking if there were any changes on the Atlassian Release Notes or, otherwaise, since you have Premium subscription, raise a ticket with Atlassian Support at

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