Automatically update the Organizations field with the Requester's organization

Francesc Juventeny
January 30, 2025


I need the Organizations field to be filled with the organization to which the customer (requester) is assigned when a ticket is created.

How should I do this? An automation, but how do I select the requesters/customer Organization?


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Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
Community Leader
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January 30, 2025

Hi @Francesc Juventeny 

not 100% sure but filling the Organization field in the request/issue will result in the issue being shared with the whole Organization. Is that what you want?

There is a global setting for automatically sharing requests:

Screenshot 2025-01-30 162708.png

I couldn't find any API calls that would get the customer nor the customer's org.

In Automation you can access the Reporters (customers) Organization within a User condition, but I don't think there is a smart value for it. That means, you'd need to check each organization seperately which is probably nonsense if you have a larger number of Orgs.

Screenshot 2025-01-30 163133.png


Francesc Juventeny
January 30, 2025

Hi @Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_ 

It is not the objective, but it is not a problem that the entire organization can see the issue.

We need to have the organization in a field to be able to know which company we have to bill the hours charged in that issue to.

I have not found a smartvalue for this.

I hope that it is not the only possible option to have to go through all the companies to ask if the user is in them...

But, is it possible to do "For each Organizations" or something like this?

Thank you very much

Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
Community Leader
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January 30, 2025

Right - if it's not about sharing, the "Customer" panel should do the job:

Screenshot 2025-01-31 075838.png

You see all the customer details in there, once you expand it. If you don't have the Customer panel on the right side of the issue, you might have to add it in the Screen Layout (bottom right corner "configure" or Project settings > issues > Layout).

Screenshot 2025-01-31 080036.png 

In addition, you see all open/closed issues per Organization in the Directory Tab (new UI)/ Customer section of your project.

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