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Automatic internal note when a customer raises a Pri 1 or Pri 2

Support Au_ Syd
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September 27, 2022

Good Afternoon All,

We have had a bit of staff movement in my department so I need assistance in finding where this is configured. I need to remove an email address and add an new one.

I've looked on line but unfortunately I can never make sense of the results or am asking the wrong question.

I've searched on line and did find a similar question from 2019 where the user asked how to set up a notification for a High Priority tickets when they are  raised, no answers were given except it went on to mention SMS app. this is not what I need 

We have a procedure setup already that sends an internal note to 'two USERS" when  the customer of this project raises a Pri 1 or 2. Unfortunately one person has left our company.

The difficulty I face is I can't find where this is configured / set up to edit the email addresses / users who this procedure notifies. 

This is the email notification I receive

Screenshot 2022-09-28 144334.png
I've checked the work flow , SLA's for the project's ticket types and the ticket type Priority to see if it is configured there - it isn't.

Many thanks in Advance

1 answer

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Rilwan Ahmed
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September 27, 2022


Please check the automation rule. i.e. Project settings --> Automation

Stuart Capel - London
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September 27, 2022

Hi @Support Au_ Syd 

I agree with @Rilwan Ahmed , it sounds like there might be an automation rule set up with a trigger set to send those emails when an issue priority is changed. If you have a look through those rules you should be able to find it and change the users the message is sent to.

Dave September 28, 2022

I think I have navigated to the correct place, the blanked out is the project I'm talking about but I can't find any rules setup, I checked this as the admin account and my own account

No rules shown.png

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Dave September 28, 2022

@Stuart Capel - London
@Rilwan Ahmed

Many thanks for your quick reply and direction. I have since found it 

Kind Regards

Customer notificationa for Project .png

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Stuart Capel - London
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September 28, 2022

Fantastic, glad you have resolved your issue. I haven't used legacy automation for a while! Good spot for checking there too.

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