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Automate custom field in parent link based on % value from child links

May 18, 2023


I need an automation which does the following action:

  • Automate the average field "Avancementt" in parent link based on values of field "% Avancement" from child links.

What i have got so far:



Basically, when the values for "% Avancement" of ISPF-292, ISPF-290 (Linked issues) and ISPF-291, ISPF-288 (Child issues) are changed, the calculation of the field "Avancementt" should occur on ISPF-289 (Objectif - Parent Link).

But the problem is that the average is being calculated with only the linked issues.


Can anyone help how to calculate the average for field "Avancementt" in parent link by considering all linked issues and child links?


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Curt Holley
Community Leader
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May 18, 2023

Repeat the branch process, but this use either Sub-tasks or Stories (or other issues in Epic) depending on which of those two scenarios is the case.

Then you'll need to add the two together and average them. So you will likely need another field to store the child based data in, then put the 2 together.


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