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Auto fill fields

R Michael Alfred Wilson November 6, 2022


Want to ask if it's possible to auto-fill a field (A) based on another field (B) while typing into field B on Jira Service Management.

Or if there are any plugins/apps that can support my case.

For instance

I have 3 fields:

  • first name
  • last name
  • email


I would like to have the email field to be automatically filled in, following the rules below.

if lastName is NOT empty then email = lowercase(firstName.lastName)

else email = lowercase(firstName.firstName)

example 1:

  • first name = Joe
  • last name = Deer
  • email =

example 2:

  • first name = Joe
  • last name = <empty>
  • email =


The change should be done while the customer is typing in the first name & last name.

So as the customer types 'j', 'o', 'e' into the first name field, the email field should also follow.

Thank you.

1 comment

Curt Holley
Community Leader
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November 7, 2022

Automation for Jira could do it, but not in real-time as you describe it.

But, if you believe you know that this email formatting will be correct (as in your customer base is internal and thus you can predict their email format. Why not just add them all as internal customers? See: A new easier way to get employees into your Jira S... - Atlassian Community

R Michael Alfred Wilson November 14, 2022

Hi Curt,

Thanks for replying.

My use case is for new employee onboarding process. So we can't register the email as a customer because it's not yet registered.

This employee onboarding ticket would also be used for triggering an automation engine in the back for creating the employee's Google Workspace account and some other processes.

The auto-generated email is to reduce the risk of human error, compared to when the HR team fully types it down manually, while simultaneously providing flexibility for them to change the email if necessary.


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