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Alternate to Cascade Field

Muhammad Akram Sharifi May 24, 2024

Hello Everyone, 

As we all know every Jira field has a limit to the number of options, if the number of options is growing in the Jira fields it is causing significant delays in Screens load, Linked issue creation process, and Bulk operations until every option of the Fields is loaded which technically makes sense. 

I am using a Cascade field which is growing day by day, and looking to find an alternative to Jira cascade field. 

your thoughts and recommendations are Highly appreciated. 

4 answers

2 votes
John Funk
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May 25, 2024

Hi Muhammad,

The way we solved it in the past was to find some way to group several of the top level options. Then create either a custom field for groups for those fields or use say the Components field and add Components for each group. Then create multiple Cascading custom fields - one for each group. 

So that looks like this: Components: SE US, SW US, NW US, etc. Then custom cascade called SE US States. That has TN, AL, GA, etc. Then the next level down is Cities in TN, AL, etc. 

1 vote
Joseph Chung Yin
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May 24, 2024

@Muhammad Akram Sharifi -

In my opinion, any custom field (select list or cascade list data type etc.) that contains growing list of options, then it is hard to manage as Jira admins will need to maintain.

Have you look into using Atlassian Assets setup where you can create custom fields to source from Assets objects from Assets schema to support your operations?

However, the impact to the performance (i.e. loading etc..) should not be an issue.  The only thing is that a long lists will have the impact where the users will have to scroll up and down to find the right values to use.  

You may also want to take a look at Scriptrunner for Jira and their component named "Behaviors" to provide the ability where a field's option list choices can be based on another field's value.

Hope this also helps and give you some ideas...

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Muhammad Akram Sharifi May 28, 2024

Hi @Joseph Chung Yin 

thanks for the reply,

is it possible to update the Assets from Salesforce ?


Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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May 28, 2024

@Muhammad Akram Sharifi -

Integration with SF, you will need a third party add-on/service.  You should look into Atlassian Marketplace for possible vendors.


Best, Joseph

0 votes
Paul Pasler
Marketplace Partner
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May 24, 2024

Hi there,

as part of the Awesome Custom Fields team, I would recommend to give our app a try.

There's a Cascading Select custom field (with multiple levels), which can be used in the JSM form and view (read-only).

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out:



Muhammad Akram Sharifi May 29, 2024

Thanks for sharing the link I will review them. 

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Mohamed Riza _ServiceRocket_
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May 24, 2024

Hi @Muhammad Akram Sharifi 

I would recommend looking into why there are several options in the first place and then look into if the issue type/request type can be broken down to several other issue type/request type which has the custom field with a subset of these options. 

Another not so great way would be to change this to a text field, and in the description of the field, link this to a google doc with all the valid options to copy over. However, this method is error prone and not ideal. 

Hope that contributes to some ideas that you can experiment with. 


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