Allow customer to change priority of tickets, or rank order them

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January 7, 2025

Hello, we have a use case where our customer wants to rank order tickets submitted. We do not want them seeing internal comments. This seems possible via forms? but is there a way to extend out the board views to the customer too. 

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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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January 7, 2025


Welcome to the community.  In general, issue priority/ranking are not exposed to the customers in JSM based on my experiences/knowledges.  In addition, there is no out of box functionality without third party add-ons to extend board views to customers.  You will need to look into Marketplace for possible add-ons.

One possible add-on will be -  which you can review what if it can provide what you wanted on portal access for your customers.

Back to the issue priority/ranking topic, one possible option is to create automation rules which handle when issue is submitted via portal UI or email intake, to assign issue priority or possible custom field on ranking value based on an issue's request type used or captured key issue metadata (where you have mapped your FORM's element to an actual field for your issue type).

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

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