Add issue type from another project to portal

Robert Forster
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January 16, 2025

Hi we have been asked if the below is possible?


We have our primary Jira cloud project called "SD project" which is used company wide.  Its a company managed project and is a Jira Service Management Project Type.  


We have been asked if its possible that we can add requests from another project called "Operations Transformation" which is a team-managed project which is a software project type on to SD project portal?


Is this possible and if so what steps would I need to take?


Would I need to migrate the team-managed project to the company managed project to begin with and then add the scheme to the SD project?


Apologies we have little training and I am looking for some help if possible.



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Trudy Claspill
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January 16, 2025

Hello @Robert Forster 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

The short answer to your first question is No.

Only request types in Service Management Projects can be seen in the Service Management Customer Portal.

Each Service Management project that is accessible through the Customer Portal will have its own separate screen listing its request types. You cannot combine the types from different projects into one list in the customer portal.


What is the problem you are trying to solve by adding issue types from a Software project to your Service Management Customer Portal?

If you want customers to be able to interact with a project through the Customer Portal the project must be a Service Management project.

What problem are you trying to solve by combining the Operations Transformation project with the SD project? Is there a reason for this other than trying to make the Operations Transformation project issues visible in the Customer Portal?


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