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Adapting "View Open"-Filter for Organisations

Paula Plevnik September 21, 2021

Dear Atlassian-Community,

when having a look at the overview of the organisations, there are specific filters laying behind (in my case the filter is "reporter in organizationMembers(BREPARK) AND project = CC AND resolution is EMPTY AND "Request Type" is not EMPTY". With this filter, I can´t show all issues I want to see, so I want to adapt this filter. Is there any possibility, where I can safe a new filter option here as a link to "view open"?

Thank you and best regards,

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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September 21, 2021

Hi Paula, I’m not sure but it seems that you are wanting to change some default filter that is presented within the app. While you cannot change the Atlassian default filters you can create new filters. For example you might create a filter and add a shortcut to the sidebar of your project.

Paula Plevnik October 19, 2021

Hi Jack,

thank you for your answer. Yes, they are default filters I am talking about, but the question is, if I could maybe replace this link to a default filter with a custom filter? There are quite a few variables, where I don´t need all of them to get my wanted results/get not all wanted issues displayed. So is that possible? Here you can see a screenshot what links I am taking about.

2021-10-19 16_54_43-Cloudio - Kunden - Serviceprojekt - Jira.png

Thank you and best regards,

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 19, 2021

you cant change default filters. you can create variants of course.

Paula Plevnik November 30, 2021

how would variants look like? Just customized filters?

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