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About multi-project automation rule set-up issue

KC Woo
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September 28, 2022

Hi All,

Our team is trying to set-up a Global automation rules as follows, we already got 2 projects, project A is a jira service management project while project B is a jira project.


When new issue created in project A, auto create a issue in project B.


But what problem we encountered during rule creation is that we can't find project B in "scope" field in rule details when creating automation rule in project A. Is something set-up is missing in our case result in such issue?

Thanks in advance!


2 answers

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Mark Segall
Community Leader
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September 28, 2022

Hi @KC Woo and welcome to the community!

You likely created the rule from the Project Settings.  To manage rules that span multiple projects, you need to do so under Settings >> System >> Global Automation or here:
0 votes
Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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September 28, 2022

@KC Woo -

Welcome to the community.  To further supplement what @Mark Segall stated, please note that for Global automation rules, there are execution limits count based on your Cloud subscription tier -

For "Free" tier - Your execution limitation is set to 100 for Global rules.

Take a look at the following page for "Automation" -

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

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