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Ability to export data from JIRA to a SQL Server Data warehouse

Romy Meyers September 27, 2022

I am searching for a plug in or process for exporting JIRA Svc Mgmt data to a SQL Server data warehouse that we utilize for metrics and reporting.

There does not appear to be a plug in like other apps such as PowerBI, etc. I did find one tool called Skyvia but no real instructions on setting up the connectors and exporting the data and scheduling. 

Has anyone used this tool and can you provide details on how to configure? 

Is there another tool perhaps that others may be using?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated. 

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Romy Meyers October 4, 2022
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Romy Meyers October 4, 2022
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September 27, 2022

HI @Romy Meyers ,


This Jira Cloud marketplace connector may help you with the problem you are facing:


This will allow to export the data and send it over to your desired DB.



Romy Meyers September 28, 2022

thanks Ben! I will give it a try!

Romy Meyers September 30, 2022

i see that this only allows export to postgres and not selective databases UGH

but thx

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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 3, 2022

HI @Romy Meyers ,


Would have been great if it was extended to other types of DB. Perhaps you can use a Power BI connector to extract the data for Analytics. Maybe a worthwhile approach:



Romy Meyers October 4, 2022

thanks @Benjamin - yeah i tried that. However, would prefer to keep all data extracts consistent across all of our systems - feeding into a SQL Server DB warehouse that any reporting tool can utilize or be refreshed on schedule. 

Romy Meyers October 4, 2022

thank you again though! much appreciated

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