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A way to track tickets in certain statuses and send alerts based on timers?

Algis Väinola
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January 4, 2024



We have a need to track ticket status timers in specific projects, with specific statuses. Rules are:

  1. Ticket gets status A, which is tracked by said automation/plugin;
  2. When specified time has passed and ticket status has not changed AND there is no published comment entered into said ticket within that time, alert is sent (Slack channel, for example), with custom message;
    1. For example, ticket is put into status A, timer starts. If ticket status has not changed within next 3 hours OR no published update has been added into ticket within the same amount of time since status A was set, alert is sent as described in step 2;
    2. Accordingly, if ticket is updated with a different status OR a published comment is added into ticket (even without a status change), timer would reset and start counting again;
  3. When no changes were done to ticket status OR no published comment was entered into ticket since X amount of time has passed after the alert in step 2 above, a reminder alert is sent in same way as in step 2 above;
  4. Different timers can be set to different statuses within the project;
    1. For example, status A from above example in Project Y has a timer of 3 hours, but in Project Z the timer would be 4 hours, but in Project Q this status would not be tracked at all;
    2. Different tracking times could be set for each project, for example status A in Project Y would be tracked only on business hours, on business days, while in Project Z the status A would be tracked 24/7;

We've done an automation for this currently, which overall works well, but there are some occasional "hick-up's". Also an easy way to set the parameters per project and per status and related tracking times would be preferred.

I've searched for a plugin like this, but haven't seen anything like it yet, or perhaps I've been looking in wrong places, can anyone tell if such a plugin - or a good automation - exists which would allow this kind of status timer tracking and alert options based on timers?

EDIT: forgot to add it right away, apologies. This tracking would all be done within the SLA itself and would help to both keep resolution process constantly moving and also keep customer updates on overall progress of the ticket.


1 answer

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Fionnuala Callan January 8, 2024

The plugins  SLA PowerBox or Time to SLA may suit your purposes? Let us know how you get on.

Algis Väinola
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
January 11, 2024



Thank you for your reply. These tools have some elements which would be useful, but are slightly different. Namely they're tracking SLA, actions which I mentioned above are occurring within SLA itself. I see now that I forgot to mention that, apologies for that. To provide more information, SLA is defined on issue type and thus may be from 4 hours to 14 days. These actions would be within those SLA timers themselves, to keep tickets processed and customers informed about statuses. This type of plugin/automation would ensure that no tickets are accidentally forgotten and that they're handled in timely manner, based on the "age" of the status.

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