A table using Jira email notification set in the Jira automation

Vera Valshonok
July 20, 2023

Hi All!

I have created a Jira automation to update a person, send him email when the tickets Warranty end date shows that the warranty will end withing 45 day.

Currently the email only shows a list of links and Keys of the tasks that match this condition. 

I am trying to make it possible so that the automation will send an email with the Table in it including specific fields from the task and with the field information in these fields.

Here's example of what I wrote till now, but it does not work and does not create a table. 

Maybe you can advise how can I fix it?

Please see the list of the assets below. These assets warranty expires within 45 days.

<th>Site Name</th>
<th>System Device Type</th>
<th>System Device Vendor</th>
<th>Serial Number</th>
<th>Warrant end date</th>

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John Funk
Community Leader
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July 24, 2023

Hi Vera,

Use {{issue.field name}} for each of the fields. But the field name must be exactly has the field is created, including case sensitivity. 

For example {{issue.Serial Number}} {{issue.Seystem Device Type}}

Vera Valshonok
July 24, 2023

@John Funk 


sorry, a bit confused where I should add into my code above? Can you show me copy pasting mine here and where I would need to add the fields you suggest and specific field names that I would add afterwards?

That might clarify it for me and would be very helpful. Thanks!

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John Funk
Community Leader
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July 25, 2023

In the body of the text that you have above. Can you share the entire automation rule that you have so far? 

Vera Valshonok
July 26, 2023
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Vera Valshonok
July 26, 2023

Screenshot 2023-07-26 154656.png

John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 26, 2023

So, did you put in in the Subject? Sorry, but this screenshot is still incomplete. 

Vera Valshonok
July 26, 2023

@John Funk 

Please see the list of the assets below. These assets warranty expires within 45 days.


{{#lookupIssues}} *{{key}}*:

{{summary}}: {{url}}{{/}}



<h4>Report table</h4>



<th>{{#lookupIssues}} *{{url}}*:</th>


<th>Site name</th>

<th>System Device Type</th>

<th>System Device Vendor</th>

<th>Serial Number</th>

<th>Warranty End date</th>




<td><a href="URL_TO_Key">Summary</a></td>










Vera Valshonok
July 26, 2023

I am adding code to the Automation for sending email  notification

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