Hi everyone!
This article is to provide a quick overview of how to pre-populate fields (such as: summary/description) from a Customer Portal URL.
To do this:
Navigate to a Customer Portal Request Form
Within the URL, at the end, add in either ?summary=test or ?description=test (where “test” is the value for the summary or description field
Additionally, you could also combined the two by using the “&” symbol, such as ?summary=test&description=test
The URL should look similar to the following: https://yoursitename.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/group/5/create/6?summary=test&description=test
You can also do this for custom text fields. If you have the custom field ID, for example: ?customfield_10026=test this can also populate a custom text fields value.
To gather the custom field ID:
In the above example, the custom field ID is 10026.
This option is a good alternative to pre-filling information, rather than from a default value, automation rule, etc. but instead by reconfiguring the URL to pre-fill the summary, description and custom text fields on any request form.
NOTE: This feature does not work with Forms specifically, as the pre-filled data is overwritten when the Form loads on the page
Thanks for reading!
Christian Beaulieu
JSM Support Engineer 3
Phoenix, Arizona
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