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Now Generally Available, Multiple Help Centers!


Hello Atlassian Community đź‘‹ ,

When we launched our early access program for multiple help centers, our goal was to enable our Jira Service Management customers with the capabilities to deliver an exceptional help-seeking journey and offer a broader range of smooth, customized support experiences for help-seekers.

We are excited to share that we have reached our goal. As of today, multiple help centers is generally available for Jira Service Management Premium and Enterprise customers!

Now, Jira Service Management customers can curate and design distinct help centers tailored for different teams or audiences within the same site, each with its own unique branding, homepage modifications, and announcements.

This is especially helpful for organizations serving a diverse range of stakeholders, including internal audiences (such as employees and contractors) and external audiences (such as customers and partners).


Multiple Help Centers

This new capability will allow you to create and customize additional Help Centers within the same site, each with custom branding, homepage modifications, and announcements. Now you can:

  • Create more than one help center: Design distinct help centers for various teams or audiences to improve clarity in accessing assistance

  • Customize branding elements: Ensuring each help center aligns with its specific brand identity.

  • Create announcements and topics: Keep your users informed with relevant updates and organized content based on the specific audience of the help center.

  • Feature or hide portals on the home page: Control the visibility of each help center with different portals to streamline user navigation

  • Set a custom URL link: Provide easy-to-remember URLs for each help center.


Multiple Help Centers Jira Service Management (5).png



This is just the beginning of a series of releases coming to Jira Service Management’s help center. Multiple help centers mark the first step in our broader commitment to significantly enhancing the flexibility and personalization of the help center for organizations and their help seekers. Stay tuned for more to come!


Share your feedback

We are constantly striving to enhance your Jira Service Management experience. Try multiple help centers and share your feedback with us. Your input drives our improvement, and we look forward to hearing how this feature enhances your experience.


Get started with Multiple Help Centers

To create and manage a new help center:

  1. Go to your current help center.

  2. Select your avatar, and from the dropdown, select Create help center.

    Open menu, open dropdown.png

  3. Enter a name and URL slug for your new help center and select Create.

You can also create a new help center and manage your existing help centers by going to the help center management page. To view and manage your help centers:

  1. Go to your current help center.

  2. Select your avatar, and from the dropdown, select View all help centers.

Next - Start customizing and branding your help center.


Note: Customers who are on the “Bundled” release track will receive this update on August 13, 2024.


Interested in joining an Early Access Program? Check out our Help Center Flexibility Early Access Program, which will allow you to test and provide feedback on help center layouts, adding images, videos, and context.


Elena Lurye July 15, 2024

This is awesome news!

I have a question about it, though. I tested it now and noticed that although I can separate projects by specific portals and brand these portals separately, under "Recently used request forms" below the form list I can still see request forms from other portals and use them to submit requests...

This would be confusing to the users.
Are there any plans to hide unrelated request forms from other portals and not to expose them in the current one?


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Muhammad Fahad
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 17, 2024

Great news!

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Alan Skillings July 18, 2024

The new options are great.  I second the comment above about "Recently used requests forms" and also would like to be able to set the knowledge searching to use different sources based on the Help Center.  If I created a HR Help Center and an IT Help Center the knowledge available to be searched should be different, HR knowledge in HR Help Center and IT knowledge in the IT Help Center.  Having it all be searchable in both Help Centers is confusing.  Also, the same with the forms / request types, when using the main search box, I would rather search for content relevant to the Help Center not all knowledge and forms available.  The current setup really is only a cosmetic look and feel for the users, it is the same content for both Help Centers.

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Ken Young
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 18, 2024

@Tori Stitt Thanks for the announcement.  We are currently using this.  When adding a new "Customer" to JSM via the GUI, it asks for their information, as well as their default help center (and organzation info).


  • How do you update this for customers/user?  Is there a method to do this via a GUI, or a REST api available? 
  • What url would you provide to end users that would rout them to their default help center?

Thank you for this useful feature.

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Sushant Koshy
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 22, 2024

@Elena Lurye @Alan Skillings - Thank you for your feedback.


We are working on a capability that will allow you to select specific Projects for each Help Center. We will ensure that requests from only those projects show up in search or in recently used request forms. 

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Sushant Koshy
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 22, 2024

@Ken Young - Thanks for trying out this feature.


We want to clarify that when you see the Help Center option in the customer invite, we are ensuring that the customers land on the right Help Center once they sign up. However, we don't use this information beyond the invite flow. 

We don't have a concept of "default Help Center" that goes beyond customer invitation. 


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