Hello Community!
We’re excited to announce the launch of a new feature that allows Insight admins who import CSV or JSON files to pull their data directly from a URL, instead of manually creating and uploading files. Once linked, data can be refreshed with the click of a button, without the need to set up a new import.
For detailed information and step by step instructions on how to set up an import from a URL, please refer to our documentation on Atlassian Support.
To find out more about imports for Insight in general, refer to this article.
As a first iteration of this feature we only support public and secure web addresses (https). We are looking to expand this functionality further in the future by adding authentication.
In the meantime, exposure of URLs can be restricting by granting access to the 'Atlassian domains' only as outlined here, and in more granular shape here.
Dorothea Linneweber
Senior Product Manager
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