Measure the number of responses to a customer user

I was looking through different community questions, when I came across this post. It was a unique case and it got me wondering if it's necessary to have such information at your disposal and what would be the use case? For example, take a customer that keeps reporting a ticket and out of the entire interaction, you find out that this customer user hardly responds to the ticket or your agent is sending too many messages to the same user.


There are two things that you can take away from this.

  • The first being that this customer might not be engaged when creating requests.
  • The information provided is not always relevant to the problem the customer has.

The question you should be asking yourself now is how can your support team manage and track this kind of data in an efficient way i.e. the number of comments from the customer user and the agent user in a single ticket? And by having such data, could it be useful to help your support team and your customer experience?

Having this in mind, I thought of creating a method that generates such a report to give support teams that context if they so require. Please note that this solution is only accessible via Jira's REST API written in python and it creates a report file which you can use on any spreadsheet application.

from jiraone import LOGIN, PROJECT

user = "email"
password = "token"
link = ""
LOGIN(user=user, password=password, url=link)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # the output of the file would be absolute to the directory where this python file is being executed from    
# this method uses various keyword arguments:
# pull -> string - available options [active, inactive, both]
# user_type -> string - available options [atlassian, customer, app, unknown]
# find_user -> string - display name of the user you're searching for
# duration -> string - jql function to denote days of calendar e.g. startOfWeek(-1) or startOfMonth(-1)
# status -> string - statuses you want to check e.g Open or Closed or Open, Closed for multiple statuses check
# file -> string - a file name to use as place_holder for user search. if not it defaults to user_file.csv
PROJECT.get_total_comments_on_issues(find_user="Prince Nyeche", pull="active", user_type="customer")

The end result gives you the number of comments made by the reporter of a ticket(customer user), the number of comments made by other users on the ticket and also the total number of comments. I believe with this information, you can be informed if you're sending your customer users too many responses or if your customer user is actually being engaged on the ticket or if there are no responses from the agent.



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