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How to set automatic approvers in JSM from an Insight Object Custom Field

Hi Community,

In this tutorial we will show you how you can automatically set approvers from an insight object's custom field selection using Insight Management and Jira Automation.



Automation Rule:

Automation Rule.png


Advanced Editing Snippet:

"update": {
"Approvers": [{
"add": {
"accountId": "{{issue.customfield_id.(Insight Attribute Name)}}"





Gary Blower _Clearvision_ May 19, 2022

Can you not just add this smart value to the approvers field rather than use the "advanced" JSON?  {{issue.<insight-custom-field>.<user-attribute>.accoundid}}

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Frederic Wolf
Rising Star
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August 1, 2022


thank you @Fabian Lim  and @Gary Blower _Clearvision_  I am currently working on the exact same issue and you pushed me into the right direction.

After a few tries I have the following results. You can change the Trigger to issue creation, but for testing the manually triggered is much more convinient 

1. Example: Insight Field only contains 1 User

This works like @Gary Blower _Clearvision_  suggested



2. Example: Insight Field contains multiple Users

This example took some investigations, but finally i have the following solution.


"fields": {
"Approvers": {{customfield_10093.Manager.flatten.asJsonObjectArray("accountId")}}


The Portal will only have the application and description. The Summary is set to a fixed value.

The summary is to be automatically supplemented in the future with the selected application.

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Muhammad Moazzam Hassan
Rising Star
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October 13, 2022

I want to automatically add a reporter as  a approval, but there is no option to add a reporter can I get any smartvalue?

Frederic Wolf
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 12, 2023

Hi @Muhammad Moazzam Hassan ,

you can use the smart value {{issue.reporter}} .

to learn more about smart values. Have a look here:

if this helped let me know. If u need futher advice, explain the use case in more detail. 

Chand Bhardwaj
I'm New Here
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May 7, 2023

Hi, How can I add both manager (from Insight) & reporter as approvers?


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