Overall, to perform the action of populating a custom field with the reporter's group is usually using a bunch of "if/else" conditions to first catch who the reporter is and then filter what group the reporter belongs to; it can be exhausting to add new components every time a group is created, and this may become impracticable if you have hundreds (or thousands) of groups - there's no scalability here and lots of manual work. Based on this, I'm presenting a simple way to solve this without having so many conditions using automation and a web request.
Overall, it'll look like this:
With the headers:
For Linux/Unix/MacOS use:
echo -n YOUR_EMAIL@example.com:<API_TOKEN_HERE> | base64
Windows 7 and later, using Microsoft Powershell:
$Text = ‘YOUR_EMAIL@example.com:<API_TOKEN_HERE>’
$Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Text)
$EncodedText = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)
You just need to run the commands above in the respective terminal of your operating system.
Also, don't forget to add the "Basic" and then the encoded token.
It's done!
It may seem a bit complicated to set, but you won't need all of the conditions, and you also gain the scalability to create new groups without adding a component.
Josiane Oliveira
Atlassian Cloud Support Engineer
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