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As organizations begin returning to in-person work, HR will need a way to monitor Covid risk and ensure that public health guidelines for in-person work are being followed. This use case uses a form with conditional logic to find out if employees have been tested for, had symptoms of, or been exposed to a known case of Covid-19. Depending on the employees responses, they may or may not be cleared to return to work.
Note: This use case was created based on recommendations from the U.S. Center for Disease Control as of mid-January 2021. You will need to adapt it to comply with your local health authority’s guidelines.
HR agent
This use case uses a dynamic Due date field to continually monitor employee risk as they return to in-person work.
As employees return to in-person work they are asked to complete the Return to Work Screening Form.
When the form is submitted, automation will set the employee’s status as appropriate:
CLEARED FOR RETURN – the employee may return to work, a new Due date will be set and the employee will be asked to complete the form again in two weeks.
NOT CLEARED FOR RETURN – the employee will be asked not to come to the worksite. A new Due date will be set and the employee will be prompted to complete the screening form again in 10-14 days depending on their risk factors.
PENDING – the employee will be prompted to upload their test results on the day the results are expected. After receiving their results, HR will manually reset the status as appropriate.
POSITIVE – HR will follow up with the employee. A second form will be added to the issue to for contact tracing. Subtasks will be created for deep cleaning of the employee’s work area, and for reporting the case to public health authorities.
When the new Due date is reached, the employee will be prompted to complete the screening form again.
If an employee is positive for Covid-19, subtasks will be created for deep cleaning of the employee’s work area, and for reporting to public health authorities.
This use case has been designed to continuously screen for Covid-19 and the risk has passed. Once the risk has passed, the HR agent can close the issues.
Unique Features
This use case employs a form that uses conditional logic and linked Jira fields to capture risk factors such as symptoms, exposure to a known case, and Covid testing. The linked fields are then used with automation rules to transition issues to the appropriate status and schedule another screening.
Each time the employee is re-screened, a new copy of the the Return to Work Screening Form will be added to the issue. Make four automation rules to do this:
When the status changes from CLEARED FOR RETURN to SCREENING, then add this form to the issue, allow duplicates and set the form as External.
When the status changes from NOT CLEARED to SCREENING, then add this form to the issue, allow duplicates and set the form as External.
When the status changes from PENDING to SCREENING, then add this form to the issue, allow duplicates and set the form as External.
When the status changes from POSITIVE to SCREENING, then add this form to the issue, allow duplicates and set the form as External.
Create an automation rule on the Contacts form to add the form (set as External) when the issue reaches the Positive status.
Create an automation rule to set the status and due date of the issue. Note that this rule is where you will set the parameters for when employee’s are and are not cleared to return to work. The rule will need to consider the various risk factors, then assign transition the issue to the appropriate status and set the due date for the day when you want to screen the employee again. In this example, Event Date is the custom field that is linked to the “Today’s date field on the form. Therefore the rule is triggered whenever the form is submitted. The custom fields referenced in the rule refer to the linked form fields for the test results, date tested, date symptoms started, date of exposure, etc. You will need else-if block for each combination of risk factors. Each transition action also resets the Due date fields as appropriate. For example, customfield 10015 is linked to the “Date of contact” field on the form that captures the day the employee was exposed to a known case of Covid-19. This employee would be transitioned to NOT CLEARED and the due date would be reset to customfield_10015.plusDays(14). |
Create an automation rule to run when the issue is transitioned to the SCREENING status from any other status other than the initial issue creation. The rule should clear the Due date field and the linked date fields. A comment is added to tell the employee that they need to complete the Return to Work Screening Form again. The form will be added by earlier noted automation. Note that since the form was set to lock on submission, the previously reported date values will be preserved in the form. |
Create an automation rule to prompt employees who were in the PENDING status to upload their results. (“Custom end date” is linked to the “Date when you will have the results” form field.) |
Create an automation rule that will create a subtask for cleaning after an issue transitions to POSITIVE. |
Create an automation rule that will create a subtask for reporting the case to public health authorities after an issue transitions to POSITIVE. |
Each form listed below is available as a Jira Service Management form template within the form builder. Learn more about creating and editing forms here.
Form set-up
Many fields on the Return to Work Screening Form will need to be linked to Jira fields in order to be used in automation. Create Jira fields for:
Employee name – Link to Jira Summary field
Work location
Test results – Choice field (Positive, Negative, Don’t know yet)
You will need multiple date fields. Reserve the Due date field to be used as the trigger for re-screening:
Date tested
Date of test results
Date symptoms started
Date of contact
Date form completed
Depending on the guidelines you’re using, you may also want to create a date-time field to capture the last occurrence of fever, and a yes/no field to capture whether or not symptoms are improving.
Return to Work Screening Form |
Contacts |
Peter Preston
Sr Product Marketing Manager
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