Early access program to exclusive new Jira Service Management feature

Note: This early access program is closed and this feature will be available to all customers mid-December 2022. 

New feature: change the issue type of a request type

Hello everyone!

We are very excited to offer you a place on an early access program for a new feature that will allow you to change the issue type of a request type. This admin feature will enable you to change the workflow of a single request type even if it shares an issue type with other request types.

The first release allows you to select any workflow or issue type in your project but we will later be giving you access to any workflow on your instance (and will make sure that your Jira configuration just works).

This early access program will give you access to this exclusive feature and help us get feedback from you so we can modify it to better suit your needs.

If you would like to be a part of this program, please click on this link to sign up.

We've decided to keep sign ups open for now and we will be periodically adding people who have signed up to this program.

For further assistance and support, please feel free to raise request here.


Best regards,


Martin Chen

Software Developer, Jira Service Management


Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 11, 2022

Hey @Martin Chen ,

Excellent feature coming our way! Going to save a lot of people the hassle of recreating request types if the issue type changes for some reason. 

I do have a couple of questions tho.

  • How will this affect existing issues that were previously created with this request type? Will the issues be migrated to the new issue type as well as part of the flow or is this a separate manual action allow you to decide for yourself if you want this. (this would then mean you might have 2 a single request type linked to 2 issue types (legacy and new, and in the future even more..)


  • Thi sone has to do with the wording of the article. 

The first release allows you to select any workflow or issue type in your project

You mention here workflow or issue type. Does that imply that we can have a different workflow than the standard workflow for the issue type? So meaning you could have a Service Request Issue type with the default flow but then create specific flows for your Request Type(s)? Thus eliminating the creation of specific issue types for request types in case the workflow deviates? 

I could just be understanding this incorrectly but want to clear these up :)

I'll be sure to sign up for the EA to play with it!

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 12, 2022

Hi @Martin Chen 

Will this be available for CMP or for TMP? Or both?

Jehan Gonsalkorale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 12, 2022

Great questions as usual, @Dirk Ronsmans

Changing the issue type of a request type will update all existing issues. It's largely the same as creating a new request type on the issue type you want to change to and bulk moving all existing issues to it. 

The issue type / workflow terminology is about encouraging basic users to think of issue types as being synonymous with workflows to simplify the mental model (for example, changing the issue type from "Service Request" to "Service Request with an Approval" only serves to change the workflow). 

We know this is not how you use Jira, but we are trying to let new users not have to think about schemes and screens unless they want advanced functionality. 

So, we are not changing his Jira works to allow one issue type to map to multiple workflows. But we will be making it easier to add workflows to projects (this is coming next year). 

We'd love to talk to you when you see the feature so we can get some feedback on this, would love to leverage your expertise here. 

Does this answer your questions? I'll be in touch once we turn on the feature for your instance. 

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Jehan Gonsalkorale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 12, 2022

Hi @Alex Koxaras _Relational_, 

Thanks for getting in touch! We are only releasing this for Company Managed Projects in Jira Service Management because they are the only project type that have issue types. 

Does this answer your question? Let me know if I've missed something. Keen to understand your needs as best as we can, so do keep us honest. :)

Haddon Fisher
October 17, 2022

Is there any documentation on how this will work? Seems somewhat counterintuitive and potentially incredibly confusing to break the relationship between workflows and issuetypes.

Seems like maybe giving people the ability to move request types to a new issuetype would be better...it's both something people have been requesting for a long time AND doesn't break UX.

If not, then perhaps could we as admins disable this functionality? Feel like we don't need any more help making this complex 🤣

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 20, 2022

Hey @Haddon Fisher. Thanks for your feedback on this. Looks like @Jehan Gonsalkorale has already addressed your concerns in the other post: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Service-Management-articles/Early-access-program-to-change-the-workflow-or-issue-type-of-a/bc-p/2166620#M2213

Thanks for sharing your initial reactions to our new feature!

Jelena November 15, 2022

Hi @Martin Chen,

Is it required to have a global admin permission to use this feature? If I am not global admin, but service project administrator, I will not be able to use this feature?


Eglė Kaziulionytė
December 11, 2022

Is the early access program for this closed? 


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